DNW Aero

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  • TWG

    Type of wind tunnel
    Closed circuit, continuous, variable density sub-, trans- and supersonic wind tunnel with three exchangeable test sections

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  • News

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  • ARI and DNW signed a Memorandum of Agreement on cooperation.

    On Wednesday 29 October 2014 the AVIC Aerodynamic Research Institute (ARI) and the German-Dutch Wind tunnels (DNW) signed a Memorandum of Agreement on cooperation on several subjects, amongst others Joint Research & Development, Consultancy and Training of Researchers.

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  • CAE and DNW announce a workshop on CFD-wind tunnel correlation study during Zhuhai Air Show

    China, Zhuhai Air Show– On the 11sth of November, at AVIC Media Center, Hall-3, the Chinese Aeronautical Establishment (CAE) and German-Dutch Wind tunnels (DNW) will announce the organisation of the “1st CAE-DNW Workshop on CFD-Wind Tunnel Correlation Study”, to be held in 2015. Under the framework of CAE-DNW Cooperation Agreement, a CAE Aerodynamic Validation Model (CAE-AVM) was tested in DNW-HST high speed wind tunnel in the second half of 2013, following the signing ceremony of the contract at Paris Airshow 2013.

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  • Press Release ESWIRP TNA

    The ESWIRP project has been funded by the European Framework Programme 7 to support the integration of and access to research infrastructure of pan-European interest. It has significantly enhanced the interoperability of 3 key world-class aeronautical wind tunnels, and harmonised, improved and optimised the scientific access conditions thereto: DNW-LLF, ETW and ONERA S1MA, which are recognised e.g. by ACARE (Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe) as strategic infrastructures critical for the competitiveness of the European aeronautical research and industry. The coordinated ESWIRP approach amongst the operators now provides a sound basis for accelerating the transfer from science into innovations in Europe towards resource efficient aviation that respects the environment. The project ended on 30 September 2014, and a strong indicator of its success is already visible in terms of the scientific impact it is generating.

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  • Meeting 14 October 2014

    On 14 October 2014 a meeting between the Chinese Aeronautical Establishment CAE, the Northwest Polytechnic University NPU, the DNW and the TU Delft took place. This was one of a series, which had started with an earlier agreement between the CAE and the DNW, signed at the Paris Air Show in 2011, but this time the meeting was expanded to cover also further activities relevant to the collaboration of the two universities, NPU and TUD. During the meeting it was resolved to launch a new open series of workshops on modeling of aeronautical wind tunnel tests. The organizational responsibility will reside with the CAE, the reference case data base will be provided by DNW and the workshops will be announced at the upcoming Zhuhai Air Show. Further topics will follow after the first workshop is concluded.

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  • Validation of interference correction procedures

    The DNW High Speed wind Tunnel HST is a closed-circuit, pressurized transonic facility used by industry to support the development of new aircraft and launch vehicles at close to actual flight Reynolds numbers. Test section dimensions are 2.0m* 1.8m (width*height).

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  • Trade Mission to China Minister Ploumen

    In the framework of a Dutch trade mission under the ministerial responsibility of the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade Mw. Ploumen to China a high level visit to the Beijing Aerodynamic Science and Technology Institute of COMAC was paid by DNW.

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  • Ground Simulation Symposium at DNW

    On the occasion of the successful commissioning of the new moving belt in the DNW-LLF, an international symposium on ground proximity simulation was held on 25 and 26 April 2013. The symposium, sponsored by the AIAA as well as the DGLR brought together wind tunnel operators, aircraft manufacturers and academic researchers concerned with the realistic simulation and prediction of the effect of ground proximity upon the aircraft and engine aerodynamics. The first day of the symposium was taken up by presentations of various contributing parties, which will be collected in a booklet. On the photo all the podium presenters of the first day of the symposium are gathered. The topics presented ranged from the calibration of the moving belt as the simulator of an airport runway to the possible loss of lift in ground proximity despite the common expectation of lift enhancement.

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  • MoU signing during Dutch Trade Mission to Brazil

    During the Dutch Trade Mission to Brazil (19 to 23 November 2012), the German-Dutch Wind Tunnels DNW and EMBRAER signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

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